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Privacy Policy

Click here to view our Privacy policy – Credit Information

About this policy

This policy sets out how Summit Fleet Auto Lease Australia Pty Ltd ABN 87 054 704 737 (“Summit Fleet”) collects, uses and discloses your personal information.

Summit Fleet appreciates the importance of protecting your personal information. Our Privacy Policy complies with the Australian Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012 and explains how your personal information will be managed when dealing with Summit Fleet.

By engaging Summit Fleet to provide you with any good or service, or by using any of Summit Fleet’s other services, including the Summit Fleet website, you agree to the use and disclosure of your personal information in the manner described in this policy.

The purpose for collecting your personal information

Summit Fleet collects personal information, such as:

The primary purpose of collecting your personal information is for Summit Fleet’s business operation, which includes providing you with Summit Fleet’s goods and services. Summit Fleet also collects personal information for marketing purposes.

Information is only collected:

Summit Fleet takes reasonable steps to ensure the individual is aware of:

How we may use and disclose your personal information.

Summit Fleet discloses personal information:

Summit Fleet does not disclose your personal information for any secondary purposes unless your consent has been given or as required by law.

Accurate and up-to-date information

Summit Fleet takes steps to ensure information is accurate and up-to-date by updating its records whenever changes to the data come to its attention. Summit Fleet disregards information which seems likely to be inaccurate or out of date by reason of the time which has elapsed since it was collected or by reason of any other information in its possession.

Security of your personal information

Summit Fleet protects personal information from misuse or loss by restricting access to the information in electronic format and by appropriate physical and communications security. Any data destroyed is disposed of in a manner that protects the privacy of information in an appropriate manner.

Dealing with unsolicited information

Summit Fleet takes all reasonable steps to ensure that all unsolicited information is destroyed immediately.

Access to your personal information

Summit Fleet acknowledges that individuals have a general right of access to information concerning them, and to have inaccurate information corrected.

Anonymity when dealing with Summit Fleet

Summit Fleet allows individuals the option not to identify themselves when dealing with it, where practicable.

Cross border disclosure

Any personal information provided to Summit Fleet transferred to, stored by or disclosed to an overseas recipient. For example, Summit Fleet may use a server hosted overseas to store data, which may include your personal information.

Your personal information may also be processed by employees or by other third parties operating outside of Australia in countries including Canada, Japan, Belgium and South Africa who work for Summit Fleet, or by the representative and employees of Summit Fleet’s parent company. Summit Fleet will take reasonable steps, in the circumstances, before your personal information is disclosed to an overseas receipt, to ensure that the overseas recipient does not breach privacy laws in relation to your personal information (“the Required Steps”). The Required Steps do not apply if you consent to the disclosure of your personal information to an overseas recipient. By supplying your personal information to Summit Fleet, you consent to the disclosure of your personal information to an overseas recipient and agree that the Required Steps do not apply. If you consent to the disclosure of your personal information to an overseas recipient, the overseas receipt will not be accountable under the Act, and you will not be able to seek redress for breaches under the Privacy Act.

Collecting sensitive information?

Summit Fleet does not collect sensitive information unless it is specifically relevant and necessary for the purpose of Summit Fleet’s business operation. All sensitive information is collected and used in accordance with this privacy policy. Summit Fleet does not use government identifiers (e.g. tax file numbers) to identify individuals.

Who should you contact for further information?

Please refer any queries or complaints about privacy issues to our:

Privacy Officer

Summit Fleet Auto Lease Australia Pty Ltd Phone: 02 9638 7833

Unit 7, 38-46 South Street Fax: 02 9638 7811



How this policy changes

This policy may change from time to time. A current version of this policy will be published on Summit Fleet’s website or may be obtained free of charge upon request.