Summit Connect
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Summit Connect™

When it comes to managing a fleet, safety and efficiency are a priority. At Summit Fleet Leasing and Management (Summit Fleet) we seek to use technology to drive innovation in the automotive and fleet management industry. Summit Fleet telematics product, Summit Connect™ seeks to deliver a robust, scalable and reliable telematics solution available with a measurable return on investment.

Summit Connect technology allows to track vehicle and driver behaviour, giving your business with a range of services to help manage the efficiency of your fleet to:


The Summit Connect™ suite incorporates a hardware component which is used, via GPS technology, to collect and transmit critical data from your fleet. This information is then available using a range of software subscriptions for various types of monitoring, reporting and assessment outputs.



RoadScout® is a hardware device that connects via the vehicle’s on board diagnostic plug (OBDII) which records vehicle activity such as trip data, harsh breaking and acceleration, unplug alert and other advanced information depending on the implemented service. The device features a ‘Plug n Go’ format which can be installed by anyone to provide live vehicle/driver feedback. An installation service can also be arranged where required.

Whether it is eLogbook, location tracking,managing business/private utilisation ratios, remote engine management, sales contact management,monitoring driver behaviour or a combination of these, RoadScout® is the key tool that links your fleet to your telematics services. RoadScout® has been designed to ensure that you only pay for the device functionality you need. Additional functions and features can be invoked at any time, bringing the base device up to full IVMS functionality if and when required.


Summit Connect™ Web



Manage your fleet anytime and anywhere with Summit Connect™ Web. Summit Connect™ is the central web service that all services are linked to and managed from.

This portal is accessed via a secured login that provides detailed reporting of all users, vehicles and devices linked to a specific account based on access levels.

Summit Connect™ provides immediate access to a range of features to display real time data collected from the RoadScout® devices to improve asset efficiency and driver safety.

Reporting provides an accurate and complete activity history for every vehicle in your fleet and is deliverable on most browser equipped platforms.

Disclaimer: The output generated by Summit Connect™ is based on vehicle data obtained via each vehicle’s OBD port and the allocation of trip purpose completed by each driver. Summit Auto Lease Australia Pty Ltd t/as Summit Fleet Leasing and Management makes no representations as to their accuracy or otherwise for individual circumstances. It is recommended that you seek independent verification from your accountant or tax adviser as to the assumptions contained in this output.


Streamline your existing process for recording your fleet’s kilometre updates and trip purpose for business use for Operating Cost Method FBT reporting.

Summit Fleet’s eLogbook uses a simplified and more accurate method of recording trips for FBT purpose which reduces administration time for collecting and reporting vehicle business use for FBT purposes.

In conjunction with the Summit Connect™ web configuration, each trip is automatically logged. Push notifications can be set to be sent to the driver at the completion of each trip to prompt them to assign their trip.

Alternately, the drivers can directly access Summit Connect™ using their secured login to view their trip data and update as required.

An administration dashboard provides live reporting including Fleet Business/Private percentage, Best 13 weeks for FBT purposes, total Fleet Km travelled, Fleet Private Km.



IVMS (In Vehicle Management System)

Company provided vehicles form a part of an individual’s working environment. The same WH&S rules ensuring safe practices extend to the use of these vehicles.

IVMS provides advanced Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) to businesses requiring a mobile workforce and asset accountability, allowing a vehicle/fleet manager access to review vehicle operation and location through Summit Connect™web.

Standard IVMS provides a means to manage vehicle location (past and present) as well as reviewing time on site and time travelled. This also includes services that provide alerts and reporting on driving events such as overmax speed, hard or harsh braking and cornering.
This information can be observed on a Fleet Dashboard via Summit Connect Web which displays up to the minute data including Highest Speed & RPM, Fuel Economy, Carbon Emission and Fleet Idle Percentage.

Advanced IVMS incorporates all of the Standard functionality with additional driver specific outputs including:

Fuel Tax Credit

Most Australian businesses are entitled to Fuel Tax Credits for fuel used in vehicles travelling off public roads or on private roads on private property. Fuel tax credits are credits given by the Australian Tax Office (ATO) for fuel tax (excise or customs duty) that is included in the price of fuel used in:

As the rebate amount is dependant under certain scenarios, Summit Fleet’s Roadscout® has enabled users to access a useful reporting tool that will help maximise fuel tax claims by aligning a mapping interface. Used to identify where and when the vehicle is being used and provide fuel usage reporting that satisfies the ATO’s requirements including idle time and distance travelled.

For more information on Fuel Tax Credit from the Australian Taxation Office visit—business/ 


Target Zero

Target Zero is a managed driver safety and behaviour program designed specifically to understand and modify driving behaviour to create safer vehicle workplaces, safer roads and ensure every employee gets home safely to their family.

The Target Zero methodology uses a structured approach to achieve measurable results through:

Target Zero is a complete end-to-end driver safety program.


The team at Summit Fleet will work with your business to deliver a tailored solution suited to your specific needs as well as assist with showing you how to leverage these insights and address potential risk. The connected fleet is essential to support WH&S and asset accountability that most organisations are now responsible to support.

If you would like more information, please contact your Summit Fleet Relationship Executive or email